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ISEGOV Research Center

Research on Information Society and E-Government (ISEGOV) is a goal at the Institut of Government, Political Science and Comparative Social Science. Scope of the Center is to apply and extend the social and political science for research at the intersection of civil society, governance, institutions, and information technologies. We expect our joint research and network-building activities to catalyze research for the economic, social and political implications of ICT, focusing on transformative changes and long term consequences of growing rates of information emission and consumption as a result of participation in digital networks. 

The center's mission is to build global research capacity, to advance practice, and to strengthen the network of researchers and practitioners engaged in information society and digital government research, through the publication of our work, relationships with colleagues, guidance to graduate students and the stream of joint activities that are likely to emerge rapidly as spin-offs to those described here.

Programm Coordinator

Walter Frisch Institute of Government & Comparative Social Science

Phone:  +43 (0) 664 2155301 Fax:  +43 -1- 3202368.  Email

Faculty Steering Commitee

Prof.Peter Gerlich - Institut of Government and Comparative Social Science

External Advisory Board

N.Keuschnigg - IBM

Graduate Student Researchers

MZ - Computer Sciences 

XY - Political Scienc es


ISEGOV supports research dealing with broad areas of:

1. ICT & Organizations

2. ICT & Learning Ennvironments

3. ICT & Society, and Dedmocracy

4. ICT & Culture

5. ICT & Privay

6. ICT & Government

7. ICT & Property Rights






Institute of Government and Comparative Social Science
Universität Wien
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
1010 Wien

University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0