Science Technology and Society
- STS.001 Technology in American History, Spring 2003
- STS.002 Toward the Scientific Revolution, Fall 2003
- STS.035 The History of Computing, Spring 2004
- STS.042J Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century, Fall 2002
- STS.062J Drugs, Politics, and Culture, Spring 2003
- STS.066 Brains and Culture: Love, Lies & Neurotransmitters, Fall 2002
- STS.069 Technology in a Dangerous World, Fall 2002
- STS.075J Technology and Culture, Fall 2003
- STS.085 Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier, Spring 2002
- STS.210J Theories and Methods in the Study of History, Fall 2003
- STS.360 Ethnography, Spring 2003
- STS.410J Readings in American History Since 1877, Fall 2003
- STS.420J The Structure of Engineering Revolutions, Fall 2001
- STS.436 Cold War Science, Spring 2004
- STS.467 Research Seminar in Deep Sea Archaeology, Spring 2002
Institute of Government and Comparative Social Science
Universität Wien
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
1010 Wien
Universität Wien
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
1010 Wien